Building a Simple Viewer
This is a very minimal IIIF viewer that can load a manifest, display thumbnails, and load canvases in response to user navigation through the thumbnails.
You can see it running at /demos/simplest-viewer.html Simplest Viewer.
The code below shows how CP plus a few other UI components, combined with vault, can load manifests, render thumbnails, and show the canvases. The code is simple against a vault-normalised Presentation 3 representation.
Simple viewer
<html><head> <title>Canvas Panel - simple</title> <style> #manifest { width: 50vw; } #th { width:12vw; border-right: 1px solid #999; margin: 5px; float:left; height:90%; overflow-y:scroll; } #main { width:78vw; margin-top:30px; margin-left:10px; float:left; height:90%;} .tc { display: inline-block; padding:5px; cursor: pointer; } #cp { height:100% } </style> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script></head><body> <h1>A simple viewer using Canvas Panel</h1> <h2 id="manifestLabel"></h2> <div> <input id="manifest" type="text" value="" /> <input id="go" type="button" value="Go" /> </div> <div> <div id="th"></div> <div id="main"> <canvas-panel id="cp" height="600"></canvas-panel> <!--height="95%" --> <p id="cvLabel"></p> </div> </div> <script> function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } const cp = $("cp"); const thumbHelper = VaultHelpers.createThumbnailHelper(cp.vault); async function loadManifest(){ const manifestUri = $("manifest").value; if(manifestUri){ const manifest = await cp.vault.loadManifest(manifestUri); $("manifestLabel").innerText = VaultHelpers.getValue(manifest.label); let thumbsHtml = ""; // A real viewer could use <sequence-panel> for thumbnails, too. // To keep this minimal we''' make thumbnail links by hand. for(const canvasRef of cp.vault.get(manifest.items)){ const canvas = cp.vault.get(canvasRef); const label = VaultHelpers.getValue(canvas.label); thumbsHtml += `<div class="tc">${label}<br/>`; thumbsHtml += `<img data-uri="${}" data-label="${label}" src="${canvas.thumbnail[0].id}" />`; thumbsHtml += '</div>'; } $('th').innerHTML = thumbsHtml; const thumbs = document.querySelectorAll('#th img'); for(const thumb of thumbs){ thumb.addEventListener('click', selectCanvas); } thumbs[0].click(); } } $("go").addEventListener('click', loadManifest); loadManifest(); function selectCanvas(){ const cvId = this.getAttribute("data-uri"); cp.setCanvas(cvId); $("cvLabel").innerText = this.getAttribute("data-label"); } </script></body></html>